Thursday, January 20, 2011

Talk on 'Kashmir: Conflicts and Resolutions'

The centre has organized a talk on the topic ‘Kashmir: Conflicts and resolutions’ on 04.01.2011 at 11.45 a.m. in the Chazhikkatt Hall. The talk was delivered by Dr. Mathew Joseph C., Reader, Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi. Dr. Mathew is one of the best resource person on the topic because he actively engaged in discussions related to the issues.
He presented the history of Kashmir from the Amruthsar agreement signed on 1846. He elaborated the role of independence movement of Kashmir in India’s freedom struggle. Dr. Mathew described the important incidents in the chronological order which helped the audience to understand it well.
According to Dr. Mathew Joseph, the Kashmir conflict is an irresolvable conflict. The people of Kashmir are now makes calamities as a result of denying justice to them in past decades. Indian government is responsible for that. The Kashmir people are now under the shadow of doubt. They were suppressed. The people are facing a lot of problems. Most of them need psychological assistances especially children. As an expert in this topic, he suggested giving self rule to Kashmir and the present rules should be done practically. Dr. Mercy Philip welcomed the gathering and Dr. Jose V.S. expressed vote of thanks. The Principal Dr. Francis Cyriac, teachers and all students attended the talk and participated in the discussions.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Radha V. Nair inaugurated the Panchayati Raj Workshop

DghqÀ tImtfPn ]©mb¯v cmPv inev]ime  

DghqÀ skâv Ìo^³kv tImtfPn {Kma]©mb¯v P\{]Xn\n[nIÄ¡mbn ]©mb¯v cmPv inev]ime \S¶p. tImtfPnse _nj¸v Xdbn lmfn \S¶ inev]-ime PnÃm ]©mb¯v {]knUâv {ioaXn cm[m hn. \mbÀ DZvLmS\w sNbvXp. ]pXp-Xmbn XncsªSp¡s¸«hsc kw_Ôn¨nSt¯mfw hfsctbsd {]tbmP\w sN¿p¶XmWv inev]imesb¶v cm[m hn. \mbÀ A`n{]mbs¸«p. {]n³kn¸Â tUm. {^m³kokvkndn-bIv A²y£X hln¨p. almßmKmÔn kÀÆIemime kvIqÄ Hm^v KmÔnb³ tXm«v Bâv sUh]vsaâv ÌUokv UbdIvSÀ s{]m^. Fw. Fkv. tPm¬, DghqÀ {Kma-]-©mb¯v {]knUâv ]n.-FÂ. F{_mlmw, tUm. hn.-F-kv. tPmkvv, tUm. tagvkn ^nen]v  XpS§nbhÀ kwkmcn¨p.
DghqÀ tImtfPn bpPnknbpsS klmbt¯msS {]hÀ¯n¡p¶-sI.-BÀ. \mcmb-W³ ]T\ tI{µ¯n-tâbpw almßm-KmÔn kÀÆIemimebnse KmÔnb³ ]T\ hn`mK-¯ntâbpw skâÀ t^mÀ dqd amt\Pvsaântâbpw kwbpà B`napJy¯nemWv inev]-ime kwLSn¸n¨Xv.
tUm. Fw. Fkv. tPm¬ (Fw.-Pn.-bqWnthgvknän),  {io. sI. cmPtiJc³ (Ine), tUm. tPmkv Nm¯pIpfw, kn.-hn. _meapcfn (skâÀ t^mÀ dqd amt\Pvsaâv), hn.Pn cmaN{µ³ \mbÀ, tUm. sI.-sP. Ipcy³ (I¬kÄ«âv) XpS§nbhÀ hnhn[ skj\pIÄ \bn¨p. {io tam³kv tPmk^v Fw.-FÂ.-F. ine]imebn ]s¦Sp¯hcpambn ]²Xn Bkq{XW¯nse hnhn[ {]iv\§tf¡pdn¨v kwkmcn¨p.
HdoÊbn \n¶pw F¯nb ]©mb¯v {]nXn\n[nIÄ inev]imebn ]s¦Sp¯p.. ChÀ Ccp kwØm\s¯bpw ]©mb¯ocmPv kwhn[m\s¯¡pdn¨v hniZamb NÀ¨ \S¯n. HdoÊbn \n¶p h¶ kwLs¯ `pht\izdnse C³Ìn-äyq«v Hm^v amt\Pvsaânsâ Ub-dIvSÀ _\amen tam¬{Sn \bn¨p. kam]\ tbmK¯n h¨v {]n³kn¸Â tUm. {^m³kokv kndnbIv kÀ«n^n¡äpIÄ hnXcWw sNbvXp. tUm. hn.-F-kv. tPmkv, tUm. tagvkn ^nen¸v XpS§nbhÀ kwkmcn¨p.